Saturday, January 14, 2012

Season 4, Episode 6, Where the Buggalo Roam

Intern Amy Wong's rich parents host the annual Mars Day picnic, but the original Martians have different plans, so Lieutenant Kif Kroker comes to the rescue.

Season 4, Episode 5, Leela's Homeworld

Bender sets up a successful waste disposal business. But because he dumps everything in the sewers, the Sewer Mutants revolt and sentence Bender, Leela and Fry to be dumped in the Mutagenic Sewage lake. Somehow two robed mutants with an interest in Leela manage to persuade the Supreme Mutant to let them go

Season 4, Episode 4, Love and Rocket

When the Planet Express ship gets a selectable personality upgrade, Bender chooses one and falls in love... but too briefly.

Season 4, Episode 3, Anthology of Interest II

An anthology of three "what if" stories: what if Bender was human, what if life was more like a video game, and what if Leela found her true home.

Season 4, Episode 2, A Tale of Two Santas

When Fry, Leela and Bender make a delivery to Neptune, they run afoul of the robot Santa Claus. Bender takes his place, but the previous Santa's fearsome reputation makes his job difficult.

Season 4, Episode 1, Roswell That Ends Well

A mishap involving a microwave oven and a supernova throws the Planet Express staff back in time to 1947 where Fry has a fateful encounter with his grandparents, Dr. Zoidberg meets Pres. Truman and Leela & Prof. Farnsworth wreck an Air Force base.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Season 3, Episode 15, I Dated a Robot

Fry ignores the warnings of the Planet Express staff and starts dating a robot with the downloaded personality and holographic image of Lucy Liu. Leela and Bender make a disturbing discovery while trying to save Fry from his short-sighted decision.

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